Info Hub

MK2 Cut away v2

How does timber framing improve weatherproofing?

If you stand and look at a garden shed it is pretty clear that the thing keeping your gear safe and dry is the steel cladding. And it is! Obviously if it didn't have any it wouldn't be much of a...

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Cedar Steel RoofIronsandgrey friars

What sort of roof should my shed have?

When choosing a garden shed most of us think about size, colour and material, but probably don't give much thought to the roof configuration. It's definitely worth a moment's consideration though...

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Lighting your shed

Lighting and ventilation can be important if you are spending time in your garden shed, because it pays to be able to see what you're doing! So we thought we'd shed some light on the different...

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Do I Need Building Consent for a Garden Shed?

Anyone who has gone through the nightmare of home renovations knows that consents – particularly for complex or invasive renos – can be the beam that breaks the baboon’s back. Buildings are unique...

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